You guys, I’m so excited to welcome back Spring! It’s been a long and lonely winter and I’m so ready to see your beautiful faces again this year! This year I’m offering THREE mini options for the spring! Read below about each and click on the links to book!!

Tulip field mini’s will take place at my favorite tulip farm in Bristow! The timing of the bloom should land on these dates but we may need to shift a bit one way or the other to catch the best blooms! Come tip toe through the tulips with me!!! Click here to book tulip field mini’s!!

Apple blossom mini’s are new this year and a bit of an experiment! They’re further out than I would normally go but when a friend offers up their apple orchard, I couldn’t say no! Come plan a day in Winchester and have your photos taken! I’ll send a guide to all the good things in Winchester including place to eat and see!! Make a day of it and get away from the city!! Click here to book apple blossom mini’s!!

This is new this year too! The entire month of May I’m offering motherhood mini’s. These intimate sessions capture the bond between mother and child (or children). We can even do generations! Sessions are mostly week nights the hour prior to sunset here in a location in Aldie, Va. Click here to book mommy & me mini’s!!
It’s important to note that mini sessions aren’t for everyone. 20 min can go by pretty quickly and if your child is one who is slow to warm up or you’d just rather a more relaxed session then I’d recommend booking a full session.
If you think that would work better for your family, I can do that as well! Shoot me an e-mail and we can explore dates that are available.