Every now and then I get an itch to do something different. Generally my sessions are a representation of you as the client. I try to find the things that make it scream “you” and your family and capture that all while still trying to remain true to my ‘style’ (which is why I tend to suggest evening shoots since backlighting is my jam!). I love this for my clients but every now and again it’s fun to let those creative juices out and experiment.
Last week I saw that this weekend was supposed to be beautiful! Sunny and warm and the perfect oppy for some out side golden hour fun. Since I didn’t have a client scheduled I opted to style something for my littles. I had a vision in my head of warm glowy light with an ultra feminine and floral theme. Maybe a little vintage-y. So, on Sunday afternoon the littles and I went shopping. First stop – Michaels for some flowers for a crown. Peony’s would be perfect. Then as I rounded the corner I saw the adorable little nosegay bouquets in the perfect shades of pink and purple. That set our theme.
Off to Ross and TJ Maxx next to find the perfect dress. We lucked out at both stores and ended up with two options and both she and I loved. Paired it with pretty pair of new gold shoes and our outfit was complete. Now off to home to make the crowns.
In the end the crowns were so big they looked silly which is why I’m so happy I ran back last min and grabbed that rosette headband (Walmart!). However, that little nosegay was glued to her hand. Over the course of our session (about 45 min) it was her magic wand, her sword, her wedding bouquet and everything between.
What I discovered through all of this is that if you buy a little girl a dress, some flowers and some pretty shoes, they’ll do pretty much anything for you (for at least a few min anyways).