Every year I see photos from my fellow NoVa photogs of their children and clients in a sea of flowers. When I ask they always …
A Tiptoe Through the Tulips | Aldie Virginia Photographer

Being the “mom tog” I’m always the one behind the camera and rarely ever in front of it. And the off chance when my hubby does manage to pry the camera out of my fingers I cry that I’m too chubby or my hair’s not done or that I’m not dressed for pictures. I could come up with 100 excuses and I’m sure you can too but I’m here today to say that it needs to stop!
In 10/15/20 years your kids won’t care that your hair was a fright or that you were too heavy. They won’t see that tired look in your eyes or that your socks don’t match. They’ll look back on the images and see their mom – in all her mom glory – exactly the way they remembered her all those years ago. They’ll see her doing the things she enjoyed and enjoying her family.
So, I’m asking you to take the time to exist in photographs. Hand over the camera, use a timer, whatever you need to do to be in the picture with your family.
It started off as a quick update for a few co-workers and turned into 20 people, backdrops and a full day of shooting. But I’m so glad it did. Contemporary professional portraits is a natural extension of family portraiture. For me it’s a nice change of pace where I can play with more dramatic lighting options with subjects that generally have more patience and take direction better than toddlers (although, I have to work on a new joke routine since booger jokes don’t generally elicit the same response in adults as it does kids).