I was attracted to photography at a young age. It started with a 110 Le Click camera and lots of my parents money on film and developing. As I grew my dad let me use his Minolta SLR and we’d go out on photo walks through the neighboring park. I’d drag my brother along to model for me. A one point I even won 3rd place in a photography contest for my picture of a woodpecker making a hole in a tree.

I bought my first digital camera before moving west just after college – a 1.2MP Olympus point and shoot. That trusty little camera got me through a cross country trip and my first year living on the west coast. Frustrated by the shutter lag and lack of manual functions I upgraded to something in the middle (more akin to the mirrorless of today) but that too proved to have limitations so I finally upgraded to a dSLR just prior to getting married and I’ve never looked back.

Landscapes were my subject of choice for many many years. Living in California there was no lack of beautiful things to shoot. My husband and I would backpack miles into the Yosemite backcountry, lugging a huge tripod in order to capture all of God’s splendor. As I entered the next phase of my life – motherhood – I started taking on human subjects as well. I started with just my son but soon found myself branching out to capture the children of my friends and family. I spent years building a portfolio and decided finally in 2015 to set out into business.

I’m a people person and love interacting with others. I can be shy in a large room of people and generally prefer to hug the walls but when we’re one-on-one you’d swear we’ve been life long friends! I would love to go on a journey with you as your family grows – from bump to baby and beyond!