These adorable ones were some of the first kids our family met when we all moved into our neighborhood. The fact that they are the same ages as my two kiddos made it that much more awesome that they were just a few houses down the road.
When their momma contacted me about a session but warned that they were a handful, I was up to the challenge! I assured her that we’d have a great time and that it was essential for her to relax. She took my advice and came to the session ready to boogie!
I always like to pick a place for photos have gives the kids some room to roam. Asking them to sit in one spot or having to correct them all the time leads to grumpy kids. I let my kids lead the sessions. For this crew I started with the family photo because they were all in great moods and listening. After that I let two of the littles roam and play while I worked with the 3rd.
We’d switch up every few min so everyone got some one on one time before we pulled them back together for the sibling shots. At the end of the session as we were walking back to their house (across the street from the park we were at) their momma remarked at how she hoped we’d gotten just a few good ones. I think we got way more than a few – we had a whole gallery full of beautiful images that (as she told me later) shows each one of their personalities perfectly!
If you like what you see and want to follow along, join me on Facebook and Instagram for more images!
If you’re interested in booking a family session with me click here for my request form!!