From time to time it’s fun to share a few personal shots from around our life. Today, since it’s negative million degrees below outside and we’re cooped up inside trying to make the most of it and not go crazy and I thought I’d pull out the big camera and capture some of our day. We’ve gone through many costumes, games, and lego sets so far today.
Here he’s a ninja trying out his latest spinjitsu moves. He was begging for a karate ghee which of course we didn’t have so he settled for one of my wraps as a headband and a white tee-shirt.
Then we moved on to legos. He’s been working on a trio of Starwars mini’s that he got for a birthday present. One more and he’s done and then he said I have to take a picture and send it to his Aunt and Uncle (who gave it to him). I love watching how proud he is as he finishes them. Each build is not without it’s melt downs and frustrations (he’s 6 after all) but the pride he shows when he makes it through (and the perseverance he learns) is worth it.
And we can’t forget my littlest. She spent most of her day between playing house in her room and playing in the play kitchen downstairs. In between she was busy pushing her brothers buttons or making silly faces like this at me. These are her favorite pajamas that make her look like Minnie Mouse. We were playing peek-a-boo.
As crazy as they can drive me with their fighting and tantrums and just being 3 and nearly 6, I cherish every single minute that I have with them.