Puddle Jumping | Aldie Child Photographer

Never have I seen such glee and persistence than when it comes to Myra and puddles!  A few nights ago we had a nice long hard rain (way overdue!) and it filled up two pockets at the edge where the new asphalt met the old asphalt.  With the humidity and temperature breaking with the passing of the storm, all the kids came out of the woodwork to enjoy the beautiful evening.  I looked over and saw Myra taking her first huge stomp into the pulled and just had to get the camera out.  Jumping in muddy puddles is a right of passage for every kid and I love that her momma not only didn’t flinch when she did it but totally encouraged it!



She jumped and jumped until there was no more water left in the puddle to splash out (which caused us to wonder if we needed to get a hose out to fill it up again so we could continue the fun!)  With every jump that soaked her from head to toe her smile would get wider and wider.2016-08-26_0002

By the end of it we had half of the neighborhood around these puddles and each kid taking a turn to stomp around.  She was grabbing the older girls by the hand and dragging them over to the puddle to have a quick stomp with her.  Everyone was soaked, filthy and happy – the best way to end a summer evening:)2016-08-26_0004

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