I’m still catching up on last summer’s sessions so this little bump is actually 9 months earthside by now (and so dang cute). But, this past summer I had a new gown for my client closet and talked my co-worker and friend into modeling for me (because, well, she was a model for a while and she was conveniently pregnant!). Anywho, this day, while gorgeous, decided to be about 95 degrees and 80% humidity. Regardless, this momma was a trooper (and we didn’t have to walk far for excellent shots at this park)

I loved this session for so many reasons. It’s the first time I used this particular location and turns out it’s awesome! It’s just a little park off the side of the road that if you weren’t paying attention, you’d totally miss! Second, that light! OMG. It was so pretty that night (and is often this gorgeous). And third I got to hang out with this beautiful gal:)

We slowly made our way through the park just chatting about all the things. I love first time moms (shoot, I love all moms but there’s something special about that first time momma). We were talking about his nursery and how excited they were for him to join us earth side. All the fun late stage pregnancy business and the anticipation of all the things. It’s been so long since I’ve been pregnant but somethings never change.

Did you know that the best time for a maternity session is when you are between 30 and 36 weeks? At that point your belly has really popped for those beautiful silhouettes but you’ve not yet reached a point where walking and maneuvering has become quite a task. Doesn’t mean we can’t do past 36 weeks (I’ve done clear up to 40 weeks and she delivered two days later) but if we have the luxury of time in planning we shoot for that window.

Also, did you know, I have an entire closet of beautiful designer gowns available to my clients for their maternity sessions? No more running around trying to find something special to wear, you can have your pick of colors and silhouettes right from my closet. Of course, you’re not obligated to use them, I’m happy to help you find others to wear. Just drop me a note or check out my latest blog post on maternity fashions.

Ready to book your maternity session? I have bookings available in May and June currently!